Other Names
- (replace, delete or add more)
- (include description/reason for other name in parentheses; ie. marriage, nickname, etc.)
- (Location)
Current Residence or Place of Death
- (Location)
- (replace, delete or add more)
- (replace, delete or add more)
- (replace, delete or add more)
- (For each entry, highlight it, click the hyperlink icon (looks like a chain link), scroll down and click on the spouse’s name (if
available), and click ADD LINK)
- (replace, delete or add more)
- (For each entry, highlight it, click the hyperlink icon (looks like a chain link), scroll down and click on the sibling’s name (if
available), and click ADD LINK)
- (replace, delete or add more)
- (For each entry, highlight it, click the hyperlink icon (looks like a chain link), scroll down and click on the child’s name (if
available), and click ADD LINK)
Contact Info
- (Mailing Address)
- (Phone Number)
- (Email)